Carving ...           Skiing in 2002 (this is how it was in 2001 and check out the photos we took in 2003!)
          (In 2003 the webcam was too buggy and too many photos were missing)

During the week of February 17th to 23rd 2002 we went skiing. If you were lucky you could see us (1 | 2) on the webcam of the skiing area ;-). If not, we hope you might just as well enjoy the webcam shots taken from three different angles every hour between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm, and compiled here for the days between Feb 15th and Feb. 26th, 2002.
Click on the day of which you want to see the pictures.

We're not there yet: 12.02. | 13.02. | 14.02. | 15.02. | 16.02.
Now is your chance: 17.02. | 18.02. | 19.02. | 20.02. | 21.02. | 22.02. | 23.02.
We're no longer there: 24.02. | 25.02.